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Wisconsin STate Genealogical Society

January 2024

Connecting Faces Through Time

  • Presenter: Tina LaFreniere
  • Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2024
  • Webinar Description: Connecting Faces Through Time – How Related Faces Can Help Identify Unknown People in Old Photos will step you through how to identify unknown people in old photographs by utilizing the features of Related Faces. This class discusses the basics of how facial recognition works, the importance of properly digitizing your photos and how to do it with just a cell phone, shows techniques for making positive identifications and matches, and covers real-world examples. Related Faces is easy and intuitive to use, yet the technologically is powerful. Tina’s goal is for Related Faces to become a place where people can recapture their family history and reconnect with long lost family members, brought together by the faces of their ancestors.
February 2024

Wisconsin Revolutionary War Pensioners

  • Presenter: Craig R. Scott
  • Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024
  • Webinar Description: Examines the records created during and after the Revolutionary War for the approximately sixty Revolutionary War pensioners who received their payments from Wisconsin pension agencies.

March 2024

Connecting Faces Through Time

  • Presenter: Alina Khuda
  • Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2024
  • Webinar Description: We aim to provide an overview of the archives, repositories, online databases and type of sources available in Poland to kickstart or to continue with your Polish ancestral research no matter what was the religion of your ancestor. We will discuss changes of borders, as it depends whether the resources for your ancestors can be found in Poland, or in the neighboring countries such as Ukraine or Belarus. We aim to cover online and onsite research opportunities. Case-study and tips/challenges will be provided. We aim to discuss the methodology and working research strategies how to research your ancestors in the Polish Archives. The audience can be well prepared to research in that geographic region and know what to expect while dealing with local archives. We will also build realistic expectations on what can be found, which sort of documents are public and private (and which can be accessed with a PoA).

April 2024
Wisconsin in 1950 – Analysis & Findings from the 1950 Census

  • Presenter: Scott Norrick
  • Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2024
  • Webinar Description: This presentation paints a picture of what life was like in 1950 Wisconsin as told through the stories captured in the 1950 census records.  It draws upon significant research on 35 Wisconsin counties.  Some of the more interesting data that will be covered includes: Birth and parent birth locations – this highlights immigration patterns that differ dramatically by community; Occupations – while there are some predominant industries from 1950 that are still around today, we will explore how many have shifted since 1950; Incomes – these differ dramatically between the cities and rural areas; Suburbs – this was the start of their growth, fueled by the end of WWII and the baby boom.  It was a dynamic time in the US and Wisconsin, and we will see how cultural and economic shifts reveal themselves in the 1950 Wisconsin census.

May 2024

Ten Reasons Why History Resources Solve Our Genealogical Puzzles

  • Presenter: Paula Stuart-Warren
  • Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
  • Webinar Description: Many of the answers we seek in our family history research can be solved with use of historical background and details. It could answer why your family moved to that new place, why they moved in a specific year, which church they attended, why they married in a different state, why they aren’t on a certain census, or what happened to Granduncle Elias..

June 2024

Breathing New Life Into Your Boring Ancestors

  • Presenter: Melissa Barker
  • Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
  • Webinar Description: There is no such thing as a boring ancestor! Many genealogists will say they have boring ancestors because they can’t find records or information for them. Learn from a seasoned genealogist and archivist how to locate records and information to bring those boring ancestors back to life!

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