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Event Title More than Family Trees: Understanding Chinese Genealogies and Their History
· Presenter Name Xin Yu, PhD, a scholar of Asian genealogies
· Description of Event
Chinese genealogies are far more than simple family trees—they are elaborate books, often produced as printed volumes. As the most popular books in premodern China, genealogies can still be found in almost every village in southern China today. They gained popularity in Chinese villages between 1450 and 1950, evolving continuously in format, style, and content. This talk will introduce the structure, contents, and format of Chinese genealogies, as well as their changes over time. Xin Yu is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the History Department at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His research interests include the histories of Chinese families, books, and the environment. At UWM, he teaches courses on Chinese history, Asian history, and history of the family. His website is https://xinyuhistory.com/.
· Location No registration needed for in-person at Milwaukee Central Public Library 814 W. Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI Rotary Club of Milwaukee Community Room.
· Online Registration https://zoom.us/meeting/register/M96bKCf7SsOuoDJRNUtrMg#/registration
The Green County Genealogical Society will present “Early Poor Farm Records of Pleasant View” by Jeremy Broge.
The presentation is April 5, 2025 at 10 am in the Monroe Public Library community room on the second floor.
Jeremy Broge will talk about the history of the Green County Poor Farm to the present day Pleasant View Nursing Complex. Built in 1882 for $6,390, the Green County Asylum originally was a single building facility for 40 patients. Despite the institution’s name, the facility served as the home for the county's poor and elderly as well. The asylum became locally known as the Poor Farm and would expand to several buildings and hundreds of acres of fields over time.
For any questions about the meeting or presentation, call Donna at 608-921-1537. The GCGS Research Center (located in the lower level of the Monroe Public Library is open to the public for research Tuesdays 10 am-3 pm. Other times available by appointment. The phone number is 608-328-7436 and the website is www.greencogenealogywi.org
Title: 19th Century Photography and Genealogy
Presenter: Dave Rambow
Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Time: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Central Description: Picture your family’s history! 19th-century photography can be a powerful tool for genealogical research. Through case studies and technical know-how, historic photographer Dave Rambow will show you how to recognize early photography styles and techniques, and the best ways to apply this knowledge to your genealogy research.
Can’t attend live? The workshop will be recorded and made available to all registrants for 30 days. The registration deadline is Sunday, April 6, at 11:59 PM Central. Don’t wait … register today to save your seat!
Registration: https://shop.wisconsinhistory.org/19th-century-photography-and-genealogy
WHEN: Wednesday, April 9, 2025 – 7 PM to 9 PM
Doors open at 6 PM
WHERE: Meeting at The Ale House (New Berlin Bowling Lanes)
16000 W. Cleveland Avenue
New Berlin, Wisconsin (Please park in the East Parking Lot)
The Milwaukee Personal Ancestral File Users Group (MPAFUG), at their monthly meeting on April 9, will present two FREE presentations.
1. “Book Research on the Internet.” Bob Heck, Director of MPAFUG, will offer a look at 10 different websites for finding your ancestors in books and publications on the Internet - clearly one of the most overlooked resources for genealogical and family history research. Millions of books and publications are available on-line and in many cases, you can find entire books that can be viewed and/or downloaded to your computer for later use. Bob has been a popular speaker for many years at other Genealogical societies and he volunteers to help others to find information on their ancestors.
2. “Genealogy 101: Back to Basics.” Whether you have been researching for many years or are a beginner, you will benefit from Randy Ray’s presentation. He has a passion for genealogy and historical preservation, and is dedicated to uncovering the stories of the past. Randy volunteers at the Ozaukee County Historical Society, where he assists in preserving local history and helping others connect with their roots. He and a co-host formed the Cedarburg Public Library Genealogy Club.
Guests are always welcome to attend the MPAFUG monthly meetings. And bring a friend!
The Milwaukee Personal Ancestral File Users Group is a computer Genealogy group dedicated to teaching how to use the Internet to research your family history.
From Clutter to Clean
Title: Save Your Stones: Cemetery Preservation Basics
Presenter: Jarrod Roll
Date: Tuesday, May 6, 2025
Time: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Central Description: For genealogists, summer means warm days to wander in cemeteries and find their ancestors’ final resting places. Get ready for the summer season with this fascinating talk from Jarrod Roll, director of the Monroe County History Room and owner of Save Your Stones. You will learn the importance of tombstone preservation, understand deterioration mechanisms, implement basic resetting techniques and known proper cleaning techniques.
Can’t attend live? The workshop will be recorded and made available to all registrants for 30 days. The registration deadline is Sunday, May 4, at 11:59 PM Central. Don’t wait … register today to save your seat!
Registration: https://shop.wisconsinhistory.org/save-your-stones-cemetery-preservation-webinar
Kansas City Here I Come! Researching in this Midwest City
Title: A Visit to Wisconsin Historical Society: Genealogy Collections and Services at WHS
Presenter: Jill Fuller
Date: Saturday, May 31, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM CT Description: Ready to take a trip to the Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS)? WHS holds one of the top five genealogical collections in the country, with materials from across the United States and Canada. Discover more about our extensive family history collections in the Library and Archives, including newspapers, family history books, court records, and more. Learn how to search the catalog and website to find materials on your family for your next visit to WHS. Even if you can’t make it to Madison, you’ll find out how to get access to our physical and digital collections so you can keep researching your ancestry!
Can’t attend live? The workshop will be recorded and made available to all registrants for 30 days. The registration deadline is Wednesday, May 28, at 11:59 PM Central. Don’t wait … register today to save your seat!
Registration: https://shop.wisconsinhistory.org/whs-genealogy-collections-webinar
Unlocking Genealogical Mysteries: Strategies and Tools for Autosomal DNA Investigations
Introduction to U.S. Naturalization
Clues to Conclusions: Can You Prove It? Intro to the Genealogical Proof Standard
Tech Skills for Genealogists
Alienation of Affection Divorce in the United States
Society Briefs, Village News … or the other “Gossip Columns”
Are you a Quebec Daughter or Son of the American Revolution?
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