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Wisconsin STate Genealogical Society

About the Society

The Wisconsin State Genealogical Society (WSGS) is a statewide genealogical organization. Founded in 1939, WSGS now has members both within and outside of Wisconsin.

WSGS is a non-stock, nonprofit Wisconsin corporation whose basic purpose is to encourage, facilitate and improve the quality of genealogical study in Wisconsin and about Wisconsin families. To these ends WSGS:

  • Collects and publishes genealogical and historical material related to Wisconsin families and their forebears.
  • Conducts meetings and conferences for the instruction and interest of members.
  • Encourages the establishment of genealogical collections in libraries throughout the state.
  • Works to ensure public records in Wisconsin remain open for genealogical and historical research.

WSGS is proud to be a member of the Wisconsin Council for Local History, and an organizational life member of the National Genealogical Society.

Operating Year: January - December 2024

Governing Board

President: John Fassbender (Term expires December, 2027)

Vice President: Bob Rettammel   (Term expires December, 2027)

Secretary: Angela Knutson  (Term expires December, 2026)

Treasurer: Dawn Beebe  (Term expires December, 2026)

Exec Committee District Rep: Vacant

District Representatives

Capital District (Columbia, Dane, Green and Rock Counties): Bob Rettammel (Terms expire December, 2025)

Central District (Adams, Green Lake, Marquette, Portage, Waupaca, Waushara and Wood Counties): Nadine Guilbault (Term expires December, 2027)

Coulee District (Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Monroe and Vernon Counties): Bill O'Driscoll (Term expires December, 2027)

East Central District (Dodge, Fond du Lac, Jefferson, Ozaukee, Sheboygan and Washington Counties): Mary Leb (Term expires December, 2026)

Metropolitan District (Milwaukee County) Karen Weston (Term expires December 2026)

Northeastern District (Brown, Calumet, Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Oconto, Outagamie and Winnebago Counties): Nadine Guilbault (Term Expires December 2026)

Northwestern District (Barron, Burnett, Polk, Price, Rusk, Sawyer and Washburn Counties): Kerry Lovely (Term expires December, 2026)

Northwoods District (Florence, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Menomonee, Oneida, Shawano and Vilas Counties): Marie Byatt (Term expires December, 2025)

Southeastern District (Kenosha, Racine, Walworth and Waukesha Counties):: Glenna Bastian (Term expires December, 2027)

Southwestern District (Crawford, Grant, Iowa, Lafayette, Richland and Sauk Counties): Vacant (Term expires December, 2025)

Superior District (Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas and Iron Counties): Jackie Plunkett (Term expires December, 2026)

West Central District (Buffalo, Chippewa, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Pepin, Pierce, St. Croix, Taylor and Trempealeau Counties): John Fassbender (Term expires December, 2025)

Committee Chairs

Advocacy: Vacant

Webmaster: John Fassbender

Communications & Technology: John Fassbender

Facebook: John Fassbender, Darlene Arneson

Finance & DevelopmentDawn Beebe

Membership: Darlene Arneson

Military & Reunion CertificatesJackie Plunkett

Newsletter: Alora Rueth

Nominating: Vacant


Pioneer & Century Certificates: Virginia Nichols

Program & Education: Vacant

Public RelationsDarlene Arneson

Publications: Darlene Arneson

Webinars Chair: John Fassbender


P.O. Box 5106

Madison, WI 53705-0106

E-mail WSGS at

Copyright © 2023 Wisconsin State Genealogical Society