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Wisconsin STate Genealogical Society

Advertising in the WSGS Newsletter

WSGS offers advertising space in our quarterly newsletter.

The WSGS Newsletter is distributed four times per year (January, April, July and October) in electronic and print formats to our members. Back issues are available in the members only section.


Advertising rates are as follows: 

Full Page – $50 for the year (4 issues)

$20 per issue (1 issue)

½ Page – $31.25 for the year (4 issues)

$12.50 per issue (1 issue)

¼ Page – $18.75 for the year (4 issues) ;

$7.50 per issue (1 issue)


January issue -- December 1st

April issue -- March 1st

July issue -- June 1st

October issue -- September 1st

If you are an affiliate of WSGS, you are eligible for one FREE 1/4 page ad in the WSGS newsletter per year.  If you wish to upgrade, we offer a $5 credit off a larger ad. For more information on becoming an affiliate, see our Join WSGS page.


We would appreciate if ads were camera ready. Additional charges may apply if the ad is not camera ready. Because it is a camera ready ad, no changes to the ad will be made at ad insertion without the submitter's approval. This includes graphics and fonts. The ad may be resized to fit within the space purchased.


For more information or to submit an ad for your society or business, contact the WSGS office,


Payment should be mailed to:

Wisconsin State Genealogical Society

PO Box 5106, Madison, WI 53705-0106

A receipt can be emailed to you after your payment is received upon request.


If you have any questions please feel free to email the office at

Copyright © 2023 Wisconsin State Genealogical Society