WSGS Certificate Programs
WSGS issues certificates to qualifying applicants for the following:
- Century Ancestor Certificate - awarded to applicants who submit evidence to prove direct descent of persons who settled in Wisconsin over 100 years prior to the date of application.
- Homestead Certificate - awarded to applicants who submit evidence to prove direct or collateral descent from an individual that obtained a homestead in Wisconsin
- Military War Ancestor Certificate - awarded to applicants who submit evidence to prove direct descent or collateral descent from an ancestor that was born, died, lived or served in Wisconsin.
- Pioneer Ancestor Certificate - awarded to applicants who submit evidence to prove direct descent of persons who settled in Wisconsin prior to 1851.
- Reunion Certificate - issued by the WSGS to families holding reunions.
The information you provide us in this process will assist other researchers in their quest. WSGS understands that this requires a great deal of research on your part. If you need clarification along the way, please feel free to e-mail the office at Applications and instructions are available from the links above or under the Certificate Programs tab, or by writing or e-mailing the office.