WHEN: Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 10 AM to Noon, Central Time (US & Canada)
WHERE: BIGWILL live meeting at the Community Church, 5714 Broadway, Richmond, IL 60071; and virtually via ZOOM. Both are open to the public and free to attend! Visitors are always welcome to attend our programs. Come learn with us!
The British Interest Group of Wisconsin and Illinois president Maureen Brady will present “Online Resources for Researching Irish Family History.” Irish research online has “grown by leaps and bounds.” Where once very little was available and a trip to Ireland was the only solution, today there are many websites providing records and resources for Irish research, from Find My Past to The National Library of Ireland. This presentation will examine what is available online, from Belfast to Cobh.
Maureen Brady, a former school librarian and computer educator, has forty years’ experience with family history research. She has traced her Scottish roots back to the end of the 17th century, and has also pursued Chicago and the Midwest, the trans-Allegheny U.S., Quebecois, Irish and Swedish research. Maureen has made numerous presentations to genealogical societies, libraries, conferences, and workshops throughout the U.S., as well as presenting for the Brigham Young University Library family history webinar series. She is a member of the Genealogical Speakers Guild, and a life member of the Aberdeen and Northeast Scotland Family History Society and the Ohio, Chicago, and McHenry County (Illinois) Genealogical Societies. Maureen is also active in the Kentucky, Middle Tennessee, and Lake County (Illinois) Genealogical Societies, the British Interest Group of Wisconsin & Illinois, and the Chicago Scots Scottish Genealogical Society.
To register in advance for the Zoom meeting, please use this link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. No registration is necessary for the live meeting at the Church.
The British Interest Group of Wisconsin & Illinois (BIGWILL) is a special interest group for those who wish to research family history and ancestry in the British Isles. We meet at 10:00 am (Central time) on the third Saturday of January, March, May, July, September and November. January and March meetings are online only, virtually via Zoom. All are welcome to attend our general meetings, which are held at around Noon, following our programs.